Scaling Data-Driven Product Management

E-commerce technology and data leaders aiming to mature their objectives and key results (OKRs) approach and create a culture of data-driven product management, was seeking support to help product managers build out one metric that matters (OMTM) for each of the 22 product delivery squads.

The opportunity

There was an opportunity to facilitate a series of interactive workshops that aligned teams on the why behind OMTM, provided support to unpack their squad metric, and assisted with creating action plans for OMTM reporting. We wanted teams to gain best practices around OKRs, insight into peer ideation, a safe space to ask questions, and a common language for OKRs.

How we helped

To create an interactive experience to unpack each squad metric, we:

  • Defined a maturity curve for data-driven product management

  • Organized 40+ best practices and tips around defining business value and product decisions, gathering data, establishing baselines and targets, data visualization and communication, and creating action plans

  • Designed a 2-hour, remote workshop experience in Miro to share best practices and capture team ideation

  • Facilitated 3 workshops across 35+ participants

  • Hosted 1:1 sessions with product managers and owners

  • Designed sample 1-pager read outs on OMTM

  • Built a 1-pager for product managers and owners to read out

  • Observed the read out of 22 squads for opportunities

  • Provided leadership feedback on observations and recommendations

What made a statement

In a follow up meeting after the workshops and read out, one executive leader shared, “Of the 22 squads, I only flagged 3 of them as at risk. I felt like that was a really good batting average and ratio of success.” Another executive leader shared, “The structure, organization, energy, swift and adaptable approach deserved extreme kudos. I was delighted with the outcome.”


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